I have been a slacker with blogging. I have a few pictures from over the past month but will start to get better with taking them.
As I look in the mirror every day I swear I get older looking ever day but no matter how much older looking I get I think I am still a kid inside and I think we are all still kids inside but we just need to let it out a little more.
As kids we love dressing up and can get away with wearing pretty much whatever. We can dress up like a sheep and no one questions what we are doing but just laughs. My niece Clara was the sheep for our nativity scene during Christmas and she looked so cute in her outfit.

.....and when that sheep meets an angel with angel wings no one blinks an eye, but just thinks its cute and laughs. This picture cracks me up because they are looking at eachother like...What are you wearing?

The littlest things are fun to us when we are kids and obviously still to me as an adult....even playing swords with your Uncle Michael, when the swords are actually empty wrapping paper rolls. I tried to get Charlie to walk around with it to keep Molly away but that dog is just a little too crazy.

We like to do funny little poses and think we are cute. Benji finally figured out how to use the chopsticks and he was pretty stoked about it. Smart little kid.

But as adults we still do the same sorts of things. People may think we are a little wierder but it is just the kid trying to come out. Yes I saw this guy and had to get a picture with him because its not every day you see an overweight black clown in an electric scooter, but it was AWESOME!!

I still wear funny glasses and make funny faces like I am a kid. I buy 1 new pair for funny glasses every road trip and my friends always wear them when we hang out and yes all 4 of these glasses are mine sadly.

Yes....I have a lot of funny looking glasses that I loan to my friends when we hang out...haha The ones on the right are thanks to Dad.

and best of all I still love the Ice Cream man!!! I was playing Ping Pong with my buddies and I heard a familiar sound so I ran out of the house and there he was!!! THE ICE CREAM MAN!!! I got some cheddar fries which I find are impossible to find and some sour skittles but man have the prices gone up. I paid like 1$ for the skittles and 50cents for the cheddar fries...

Well I promise I will be better at taking more pictures. Until next time!!